Community Affairs Advisory Board (CAAB)

Board Members
GROUP A  - Term Expires 5/1/2026 GROUP B - Term Expires 5/1/2025


  1. Kelly Caldwell
  2. Rene Canning
  3. Laura Cannizzaro
  4. Robert Caputo
  5. Bernard Hall
  6. Elenora Levin
  7. Patricia Morin
  8. Patricia Murray
  9. Erika Schautz
  10. Nicole Shaffer
  11. Merrie Stillpass
  1. Ellen Salth - Chairperson
  2. Mari Jo Dubash - Vice-Chairperson
  3. Beatrice Blitzer
  4. Anthony Lucarelli
  5. Peter Finnie*
  6. Maribeth Gagnon*
  7. Lewis Saltiel*

* Board Members terms will expire on May 1, 2027

The Town of South Palm Beach has updated the rules and requirements of Town Advisiory Boards, their functions, membership requirements and "rules of the road." Please see Town Ordinance 314 at this link for the latest updates (which is in process of being merged and codified into Town Code.)

Town of South Palm Beach Ordinance 314


Excerpts from Town Code:

Sec. 2-233. - Purpose.

The Board is created to provide improved communications and civic involvement between residents, Condominium and Cooperative Associations, and the Town Council and also to obtain input and advice concerning the betterment of the Town. The board shall act in an Advisory Capacity, making recommendations to the Town Council and Town Manager.

Sec. 2-234. - Organization; quorum.

(a) Generally. The general organization of the board shall be: the general membership shall be a minimum of nine (9) persons including chair and vice chair and volunteers providing services, and such other committees that shall from time to time be recommended by the membership and approved by the Town Council.

(b) Quorum. For the purposes of conducting its business as the full general membership of the board, the presence at a meeting of five (5) board members shall constitute a quorum. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in section 2-76, the presence at a meeting of five (5) board members of a duly constituted committee as set forth hereinabove shall constitute a quorum.

(Code 1996, § 2-234; Ord. No. 235, § 2, 3-28-2006; Ord. No. 273, § 1, 6-24-2014; Ord. No. 314, § 2, 9-9-2024)

Sec. 2-235. - Duties.

(a)  The board's role shall be that of facilitator for all residents in the areas of Cultural and Recreational activities in order to assist the Council and Administration in efforts to provide suitable activities to serve all leisure time needs and activities.

(b)  The Board shall not become an advocacy forum for any individual, group, or organization.

(c)  The Board may call upon the Administration, through the Town Manager, to render such assistance to the Board as may be reasonably required.

(d)  The Board shall undertake such other assignments or studies on Cultural or Recreational needs as may be requested by the Town Council.

(e)  The Board shall not have the power to commit funds or enter into contracts on behalf of the Town.

(f)  The board shall be subject to, and follow, all rules of procedure for Boards and Committees that may be adopted by the Town Council that do not conflict with the provisions of the enabling Ordinance.

  No pre-registration necessary.       Book Discussion Chairperson:  Ellen Salth  Community Affairs Advisory Board (CAAB)   The April book title is "The Immortalists" by Chloe Benjamin   Tuesday, April 15, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.     
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Board Members GROUP A  - Term Expires 5/1/2026 GROUP B - Term Expires 5/1/2025