Commemorative Paver Brick

paver brick

Your purchase of a commemorative paver brick will honor you the donor, as well as the Town, in our celebration of 69 years of serving the residents of South Palm Beach.

The pavers are being installed at the two entrances to the Council Chambers. 

  • We limit, at this time, the number each person may purchase to two (2) pavers, with up to three (3) lines of copy.
  • Name(s) to be engraved on paver bricks up to three (3) lines, 20 letter limit per line, including spaces and punctuation.
  • First come first served - Random Placement.

Mail or deliver a check made out to: Town of South Palm Beach.    ***Price: $50.00 per paver***

For questions, please contact Town Clerk Davenport at 561-588-8889 / .