Address: 3577 South Ocean Blvd., South Palm Beach, Florida 33480
Phone: (561) 588 - 8889
Building Dept. Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday
Town Hall Hours by Appointment: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Monday thru Friday
On October 1, 2023, CS/SB 170 went into effect. The bill pertains to the passage and challenging of local ordinances. It adds to the process for local governments passing ordinances and gives certain additional rights to those challenging local ordinances. The bill requires counties and cities to produce a “business impact estimates” before passing an ordinance, with exceptions. The estimate must be published on the local government’s website and include certain information such as the proposed ordinance’s purpose, estimated economic impact on businesses, and compliance costs. The statements will be posted on this page. There are types of ordinances that do not require business impact estimates. Please refer to Florida Statute 166.041(4)(c) for the list of exempt types of ordinances.